In just a few weeks the house is to be put on the market. It seems like a good time to do some "before and after" documentation. I've divided the photos into three categories: interior downstairs, interior upstairs and exterior. The before photos were taken the day that we moved.
During most of the renovation we lived in two downstairs bedrooms. One has since become the master bedroom and the other bedroom was converted to a third garage bay. It wasn't an ideal living situation but given a repeat I'm pretty sure the same decision would be made.
If there is anything I've had to learn to accept about being married to Denver, it's that hiring help is going to be a last resort. Everything takes exponentially longer but in truth, we often don't have to the budget to do it any other way. This project took him about 15 months, give or take, of full time work. Carpet install, driveway paving and HVAC install were subbed out, Denver tackled everything else.
Without any further ado, the unveiling.
Entry before:
Entry after:
Living room before:
Living room after:
Dining room area before:
Dining room after:
Kitchen before:
Kitchen after:
Master bedroom before:
Master bedroom after:
Master bath before:
Master bath after:
Utility room and bath before:
Utility room and bath after: