I'm currently sitting in the waiting room at the Dr's office, hoping they'll be able to save my right thumb. A digit that wasn't much considered until three months ago when a fine silver sliver that had gone unnoticed over the summer became infected and has since turned into an open wound about the size of a pencil eraser. All my efforts of natural healing have been futile, here's to hoping that the great medical community will have more success.
I've finished the book I brought along. Stephen King's On Writing proved to be a great read, if anyone's interested, and then started in on Plato's Republic. If I have learned anything from Stephen King it would be to put away the computer pronto and return to my book, any book will do, but here I am computer screen open, wasting away my brain.
It's been a real effort to move quickly on the home front as our quality of life always suffers during the first stages of these projects. After two months of sleeping in a sleeping bag and finding food from plastic packages, transitioning to a finished space has been beautiful. Our bed feels like heaven and the angels sing every time we sit down at a real dining room table with healthy homemade food.
I've added in a few before and afters so you guys can check out the progress. The unit next door is now under progress but we've yet to tackle the exterior.
Kitchen before:
Kitchen after:
Living before:
Living after:
Bathroom before:
Bathroom after:
South bedroom before:
South bedroom after: