Lunch break


Working three twelve hour days has certain benefits. These benefits all begin and end with an extra day off. As Denver is still on the four tens schedule, I have a day all to myself. A day without any obligation to head out-of-town early and guilt-free as I've already put-in my working time for the week. There is nothing that makes my soul more happy then a day of production. A day of crossing items of of the to-do list. A day of baking, cooking, cleaning, organizing, yard work and furniture rearrangement. That long list of people we've been wanting to have over for dinner? I finally have time to prepare a meal and enjoy the fellowship of friends in the evening, without madly rushing around after a long day at work.

In the midst of all the list-making and accomplishing is my sister's lunch break. I had to talk myself into asking to join her the first time (My desire for accomplishing battled my desire for relationship) and now it's the highlight of my week. She's found this secret little spot on the Truckee river. A rustic landing of plywood at the end of a short, but very hidden trail. We have a full hour to sit there eating lunch, watching the water and the ducks and the ground squirrels in the pasture across the river. If the sun's out we'll throw on our swimsuits and catch some rays. Just the two of us, talking about life and laughing about such and such. I share some lunch, she shares her nail polish. I never know how long we'll get to live in the same town, much less the same state....I'm thankful that, for the time being, we can eat food together and enjoy the afternoon breeze. She's teaching me, gently and without admonition, about how to live life. How to work crazy hard but also take time to enjoy the small moments. How to do a little less judging and alot more loving. How to focus on the good parts of people instead of the yuck. How to gracefully embrace a new adventure instead of responding with fear and resistance. She's taught me that as much as my soul loves production it doesn't compare to quality time spent with the people I love. Lunch break? In her words, I guess it's my newest thang, yo


  1. I am a list-maker too, but nothing can compare to spending time with my sister/best friend. You and Jocelyn sure do take lovely pictures...they make Johnny and I wish we lived in Reno. Thanks for sharing. -Christina

  2. Thanks Christina! If you guys ever come our way-let us know...we love visitors!
